Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simple Lai Chi Kang with Sea Bird Nest recipe

'Lai Chi Kang' or  some spelling version 'Len Chee Kang' is a cooling and healthy drink that can be serve with Sea Bird Nest. These basic recipe and simple ingredient are very easy to find and purchase at a local supermarket or at Chinese medicine stores.

Ingredient: (make for 2 - 3 bowls)

5 pcs  Red Dates
5 pcs  Dried Longan - crack the shell and take out the inner flesh
3 pcs dried winter melon candy
10 to 15 pcs lotus seeds
1 litre water
Rock sugar to taste
About 20g of Sea bird nest (Eucheuma Seaweed)

  1.  Wash and soak the Sea Bird Nest for at least 4 to 5 hours. Changing water every 40 to 50 minutes.
  2. Boil the water and add in all the ingredient (except the sea bird nest). Let it boil under low heat for 1 1/2 hours.
  3. Add the prepared sea bird nest and simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Serve hot or cold by adding ice cubes.
  5. Happy trying! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


According to, Seaweed is lack of formal definition. The term "Seaweed" mostly refer as a marine algea - Red Algea, green Algea and Brown Algea. There are many species of seaweed and one of the most common edible seaweed is EUCHEUMA Seaweed which is very nutritious and healthy dietary valuable to human consumption food. 

(Photo source:

Eucheuma Seaweed also known as Sea Bird's Nest is rich in enzyme nutrients, collagen and mineral substance, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, sodium and multitude fibre and jelly form proteins. 

This seaweed contained 10 times higher collagen compare to bird's nest and the price is much more cheaper. Collagen is proven as it is good for skin care, vegetarian diet and daily fibre diet intake.


Seaweed Collagen or Sea Bird's Nest act as a natural alternative for health and skin care purposes. The benefit such as:

  • Strengthens the blood vessel and regulating blood circulation 
  • Improve Hypertension and Hypo-tension
  • Normalize and regulate proper thyroid gland function
  • Natural supplement for joint cartilage, strengthens the physique and ligament
  • Strengthen bones as well as lower the back pain 
  • Help to reduce High Cholesterol
  • Prevention of anemia
  • Helping in the Cardiovascular disease 
  • Improve Intestinal and stomach functions such as gastrointestinal disease, ulcer, constipation, diarrhea, hyper acidity and etc.
  • It help to prevent hair loss and good for nails
  • Good source for low caloric diet that can help obesity peoples to slim down 
  • Breast enhancement.
  • Improve Skin Diseases, Pimples, Blemish, Pigmentation, Acne & Freckles and as a agent for Anti-Aging
  • Beautifies Complexion 
  • Antibacterial,Expulsion of toxin
  • Help in the adjustment of body acidity
  • Helps to Eliminates nephritis,Arthritis,Dropsy


Dried Eucheuma Seaweed or Sea Bird's Nest - Grade AA

According to, as we age, production of collagen in our body is drop way off. The decrease of collagen causes the instability and weakness in the human organs. The impact to human body as the collagen decreases are:

Dried Eucheuma Seaweed Grade AAA
  1. Organ such as the heart and prostate may enlarge
  2. Muscles and skin sag
  3. The bones lose density
  4. The joints and ligaments become weaker and less elastic
  5. Cartilage becomes thinner and weaker at the joints it is supposed to cushion
  6. Hair loses its wave or curl or thickness
  7. Organs may sag toward the floor (prolapse), and may malfunction
  8. The lungs turn to paper
  9. The heart weakens and enlarges
  10. The liver and prostate may weaken and enlarge
  11. The arteries weaken and are less able to resist plaque formation. Also they are more likely to develop a break in one of their 3 layers (aneurysm). 
  12. The skin becomes thinner and it wrinkles

The causes of decreases of collagen production in the human body mostly because of the hormone changes, the intake of drug and alcohol, processed food, white sugar, overworked, radiation, stress, trauma.

* more about collagen can be found on

* We selling dried Eucheuma Seaweed from Sabah, Malaysia. If you are interested to buy please contact us on the contact form available. Your can contact us directly through:     + 6 012 802 9328 (text only). Detail Packaging and Order Now